Every successful business is one that pays attention to its customers. Without listening to customers, there is no hope of getting the answers that are necessary to provide the highest quality customer service. The voice of customer metrics that you use are important to the overall customer service provided to a visitor of your establishment.
New Avenues
The most interesting thing about measuring the voice of the customer these days is the fact that it can be done through so many new avenues. No longer is it is necessary to wait for calls to come into the customer hotline. Now, customers will engage you on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks if you have accounts on those sites (which you should!).
Listening to the chatter that comes via customers on social media can often help generate new and free ideas for how to improve your company.
Congestion Among The Chatter
Undoubtedly, with so many new ways for customers to speak to businesses, there is going to be some clutter. Directionsmag.com discusses these congestion,
With data warehouses full of customer transactions, household files with demographics, and feeds from social media, it’s harder to understand what the customer is saying than to guess the Dow Jones average by walking onto the trading floor of the New York Stock exchange!
Indeed, with so much data coming in, sometimes it can be difficult to cut through it all at first. However, it is important to remember that this is a good problem to have and to look for solutions to the issue.
Cutting Through The Clutter
The best thing to do with all of these excess data is to try to get to the good bits. These are the pieces that have something to do with real changes that you can make to improve your business. It might include something like updating customer support software, opening up a new office in a particular part of town, or offering a new product. As long as it is something that can feasibly be done, then it should be paid attention to and extracted from the rest of the chatter.
Contact us for more advice on how to use customer interact to your advantage to make positive changes in your business.