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Call Monitoring Is A Great Way To Maintain Employee Accountability


Employees sometimes have to be monitored in order to ensure that they are following standard operating procedures, and providing quality customer service to ensure a great customer experience. Although all business owners like to think that they hire only the best employees, it is never something that can be assured until there is data to analyze.   Gathering that data is provided by technology tools like call recording and speech analytics, when it comes to capturing the customer experience during phone calls they place to your company, and therefore when they’re talking to your employees.

Call monitoring is a popular method of   exactly what employees are saying to customers. It does not necessarily mean that anyone has to be actively listening in on the call as it is happening in real time (although this is an option), but just that the content of the phone call is being tracked and recorded. It can be listened to a later time to ensure quality.

In order to make sure that customers never lose trust in the company, it is important to inform them that the call may be monitored. That is not a message that necessarily has to go into the employee’s ear though. There are software programs which can allow for the message to only be played to the customer calling in and not to the employee listening to the call. This would mean that employees are not going to just change their tone because they know they are being listened to.

Tracking phone calls is a completely legitimate and legal business practice. These are calls being made on company property, and therefore they may be monitored. It is common practice in the business world to do this, and it is certainly not going to stand out. As a matter of fact, some would say that it stands out more to not check up on employees and make sure that they are maintaining high quality work.

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