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Contact Center Monitoring: A Controlled Experience


When customers call a contact center, their experience should be as close to the same as any other customer. Contact center monitoring is the best way to ensure a consistent, positive customer experience.

Evaluate The Data

In order to first determine the baseline in terms of customer experience, it is a good idea to determine the volume of daily calls. Follow that up with pinpointing the time of those calls and the topics of conversation. This helps form a picture of a typical phone call in any given call center. And it’s a great way to locate atypical phone calls.

Software Programs Listen To Calls

The software programs that are used to listen to phone calls help highlight unusual activity on a phone call. Management can then individually review these calls to determine what was different about them. More often than not, one can hear a noticeable difference in experience from the other phone calls. This difference may indicate that a change is needed.

Revamping The Experience

When phone calls do not go as planned, managers should inform employees about what went wrong and what to do differently in the future. Most likely, a minor change in scripts or training materials is enough to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

Contact us for more information on how to use call monitoring to create a consistent experience for your customers.

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