In order to capture and understand the voice of your customers, you need to have a process in place to record, analyze and evaluate the customer experience. After all, how can you deliver a great experience if you don’t have any data to gauge your success?
Here are eight important statistics to keep in mind when you either implement a new customer experience and quality monitoring program, or improve your existing one:
1) According to a CEI Survey, 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience. But only 1% of customers feel that vendors consistently meet their expectations. Source: Customer Experience: Is it the Chicken or the Egg, Forbes
2) Only 37% of brands received good or excellent customer experience index scores this year. 64% of brands got a rating of “OK,” “Poor,” or “Very Poor,” from their customers. Source: Forrester’s Customer Experience Index, 2012
3) 89% of consumers began doing business with a competitor following a poor customer experience. Source: Right Now Customer Experience Impact Report 2011
4) Customer power has grown, as 73% trust recommendations from friends and family, while only 19% trust direct mail.
5) Only 26% of companies have a well-developed strategy in place for improving the customer experience. Source: Econsultancy MultiChannel Customer Experience Report
6) When asked what were the key drivers for a customer to spend more with a company, 40% said improvement in the overall customer experience, and 35% said provide quick access to information and make it easier for customers to answer questions. Source: Oracle Report: Why Customer Satisfaction is No Longer Good Enough
7) Even in a negative economy, customer experience is a high priority for consumers. 60% say they often or always pay more for a better experience. Source: Harris Interactive, Customer Experience Impact Report
8) About 13% of dissatisfied customers tell more than 20 people. Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs, Washington, DC)
Read more on understanding the voice of customers so that you can make improvements to your customer experience!
Contact a CallFinder Specialist to learn more about how an affordable, cloud-based speech analytics solution will help you start to gain a better understanding of the customer experience that you’re delivering, and identify ways to improve that experience.