Given COVID’s impact on just about every industry, it may be no surprise that many academic institutions saw a decline in enrollment rates in the last year. In a recent College Board enrollment report, data shows that 2-year institutions were hit especially hard, as their enrollment rates “declined by nearly 12 percent because of the pandemic.” While college administrators struggle to get more students enrolled, they must also think about their budgets.
Because most school budgets are determined by tuition, this is a challenge. However, colleges already have all the data needed to attract new students without spending outside their budget. By monitoring and analyzing inbound calls, schools gain insights into their enrollment programs, student experiences, and even their marketing efforts.
This post explains how higher ed institutions can extract and use those insights with CallFinder.
Improve the Student Experience
Getting ahead of declining enrollment rates will require enrolling more new students while retaining existing ones. Businesses in just about every industry use call recording and monitoring software to improve all aspects of their business. But the customer experience is the metric businesses tend to focus on. If customers have a better experience at a particular business, they are more likely to become repeat customers. The same applies to student enrollment.
If you want to help your school provide the best experience you can for your students, you have to understand what your current and prospective students want. CallFinder’s automated call monitoring solution will monitor and analyze 100% of calls to determine the intent of the caller, the skills of the employee answering the call, and ultimately the outcome of the interaction. The insights you get will help you understand and improve the student experience.
Optmize Admissions Practices & Training
Is your customer service department doing all it can to help keep current and prospective students happy? Competition runs high within the education industry, and so does the need for optimal admissions practices and exemplary customer service training. By providing training and ongoing coaching, you can ensure that your existing employees provide the best experience for students.
Our solution will automatically search your inbound call recordings for keywords and phrases relevant to training gaps. Plus, our analysts will help you create searches and scorecards that gather intel on how your agents handle incoming calls. You can then create training initiatives and call scripts that focus on increasing enrollment and revenue.
Attract More Students with Marketing Insights
The best way to improve enrollment is to attract more students and convert more inbound calls into registered students. In order to do this, colleges need to understand why students enroll and what attracted them to the school in the first place. CallFinder also helps you gather critical business intelligence as it relates to your marketing programs.
You can search calls for market trends and discover what competing education providers may be doing to promote themselves and their educational programs. With CallFinder, schools gain marketing performance insights from customer calls at a much lower cost than traditional market research. And our solution is 100% automated.
Next Steps
While more people are pursuing post-secondary educations in the United States than ever before, it is critical for college admissions departments to understand every part of the student journey. CallFinder provides everything college administrators need to boost enrollment without increasing their staff or their budget.
Let CallFinder help you become more successful as you compete for the attention of promising students. Schedule a demo with one of our experts today!