If 2020 has taught businesses anything, it’s how to adapt. The COVID-19 pandemic has been the driving force behind innovations in quality management technology and agent monitoring tools. But even for businesses fortunate enough to have work-from-home capabilities, a struggling economy has created a heightened awareness of customer churn. Because of this, businesses have shifted their focus to improving the customer experience.
Luckily, advances in automated voice analytics technology have empowered businesses to efficiently get ahead of customer churn by providing a deeper understanding of customer sentiment. That’s why more businesses are using interaction analytics to understand emerging customer issues and trends, while using it as a performance monitoring tool for WFH employees. And that’s why we are excited to announce the newest addition to our dynamic, AI-fueled solution: CallFinder Insights.
CallFinder Insights Overview
We developed Insights to help organizations meet the increasing demands of the modern contact center. And this release couldn’t have come at a better time for businesses looking for ways to enhance CX. Built into our automated speech analtyics solution, Insights includes sentiment analysis and silence and overtalk detection.
While sentiment analysis is not new to the CallFinder solution, the addition of silence and overtalk detection provides greater context to the overall sentiment of conversations. Together, the sentiment and conversation metrics extracted from Insights give a clearer picture of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction levels. Before we get into silence and overtalk, let’s briefly discuss the benefits and uses for sentiment analysis.
Sentiment Analysis Use Cases
Sentiment analysis has so many potential applications that it has been adopted by organizations across a wide range of industries. Marketers use sentiment analysis to understand how customers feel about their products and services. But it can also reveal insights about competitors that marketers can use to create strategies based on actual customer attitudes.
Even politicians have employed sentiment analysis to understand voter sentiment and opinions. Most notably, the Obama administration used sentiment analysis in 2012 to measure public opinion and inform campaign messaging. Most businesses and contact centers, however, use sentiment analysis to measure customer success and how it relates to agent performance.
Big-Picture Analysis with Silence and Overtalk
Detecting silence and overtalk in conversations provides a more granular view of customer satisfaction levels. Calls with longer periods of silence, for instance, may be symptomatic of gaps in agent training, such as the agent taking too long to provide an answer. Relying on the sentiment score alone isn’t the most efficient way to uncover the root cause of the issue.
In the CallFinder Insights dashboard, pictured below, you can see that the second call was strongly negative and that 16% of the speaking time was filled with silence. CallFinder also breaks down the agent to customer ratio for both silence and overtalk (dual-channel recordings only). The agent was silent slightly more than the customer during the conversation; however, when you look at overtalk, the interruption was on the customer side. Given that information, the manager may want to drill down into the transcription to see what happened.
Additionally, silence and overtalk metrics can reveal insights on agent training methods and even the tools they use to assist customers. Using the example above, the manager may find that the agent put the customer on hold for much of the conversation because of a technical issue on the agent’s end. This kind of automated, enhanced visibility makes it much easier for managers to determine the best training methods moving forward.
Get Ahead in 2021 with CallFinder Insights
If you’re interested in trying CallFinder Insights for your business, we can get you up and running in just a few weeks! You’ll have full access to call transcriptions with insights on sentiment, silence, and overtalk. And because CallFinder is a managed SaaS solution with expert analysts and support, implementation is hassle-free.
Ready to kick off 2021 off with an advantage over your competitors? Get started with in-depth analytics into your agent performance, customer needs, your unique KPIs, and more. Schedule your custom demo today!