The last in our series of common business challenges that can be addressed by capturing the voice of customers is ensuring script compliance.
“Compliance” means the customer service center or contact center, its employees, and each interaction with customers conforms to a clearly defined script, policy, standard or law. Failure on the part of customer agents to follow a mandatory script or business process leads to issues with customer satisfaction and efficiency, and could put your business at risk if you operate in a regulated world. Disregarding a single non-compliant event on just one call with a customer can lead to expensive litigation and the loss of a customer’s trust.
Searches within a speech analytics application for keywords and phrases from the script helps pinpoint non-compliant calls and offending agents, and provides a jump on risk mitigation and the development of improved training programs to ensure one hundred percent (100%) compliance.
Using a speech analytics application to mine audio of calls for those overseeing the compliance concerns of a company will:
- Ensure a level of monitoring that is not possible with random sampling or manual listening to every recorded call in its entirety.
- Save the compliance manager’s time by exposing non-compliance instances automatically.
- Provide insight for agent performance evaluations and training programs.
- Enforce a consistent customer experience, which will improve customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of selling to that customer again.
It takes time and resources to listen to call recordings and identify those that need your attention. Speech analytics is the process of analyzing recorded calls to glean business intelligence that helps improve operations within the sales and customer service departments of a company. When in place, this powerful technology brings structure to customer interactions and sheds light on business intelligence contained in telephone interactions that is otherwise only accessible by listening to entire call recordings of each call.
Speak with us today to learn more about overcoming these common business challenges with an affordable, cloud-based recording, search and analysis solution.