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Optimize Your Call Monitoring & Elevate CX: Webinar Recap


In case you missed our recent webinar on automating call monitoring in call centers to elevate CX, get the highlights here! The presenters—CallFinder CRO, Laura Noonan, and CX experts, Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions—have 25+ years of experience in the contact center industry. Read on to learn how CallFinder’s automated technology revolutionizes quality assurance programs in any call center, in any industry.

The Limitations of Manual Call Reviews

The webinar starts off with a discussion on the limitations of manual call reviews, which analyze only 1-2% of calls, whereas automated QA analyzes 100% of interactions. An automated solution, like CallFinder speech analytics, eliminates the need for time-consuming manual call reviews. The software analyzes 100% of your recorded calls automatically, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions. This would be impossible to achieve manually.

So switching to automated call reviews seems like a no-brainer, right? But you’d be surprised how many companies have yet to make the switch from manual to automated QA. In the webinar, the speakers point out that not only do automated call reviews provide complete data and trends, saving time for coaching, but they also ensure that crucial information doesn’t get lost. Overall this allows for a more objective evaluation of call quality.

There’s a real transformation that happens when a contact center makes that shift from the manual QA process to using CallFinder to analyze 100% of those interactions. And it really empowers contact center managers and team leads by providing them complete data, and data about trends, and ultimately gives precious time back for coaching and leading their teams.

Laura Noonan, CallFinder

Benefits of Automated QA

CallFinder’s automated quality assurance system uses advanced speech analytics software and natural language processing to analyze calls. It can identify key phrases, emotions, and compliance issues automatically. This technology allows businesses to move beyond random sampling and gain insights from every single customer interaction, dramatically improving the scope and accuracy of QA processes.

In the webinar, Angie and April from Working Solutions point out the benefits of CallFinder’s speech analytics solution specifically. And they highlight how an automated solution saves time and resources.

Here are just a few of the ways CallFinder impacts their QA process:

  • Time and cost savings through efficient resource allocation 
  • Higher first call resolution rates, improving CX
  • 5% improvement in agent attrition
  • Real-time issue identification and resolution

Because we have 100% of those calls in our database, seeing the trends and knowing where the issues lie before they really become a big issue has been a game changer. We can quickly review outlier agents, we can review outlier trends, call problems, issues. And getting that coaching into our agent’s hands—consolidated, taking into account a hundred percent of those calls—has had a massive impact on our attrition. And that is probably where we’ve seen the biggest impact on cost and time and resources. We have seen a 5% improvement in our attrition each month, and that is very real. This comes from just having a better, more clear, concise coaching opportunities.”

Angie Kronlage, Working Solutions

Time and Cost Savings

CallFinder’s automated system significantly reduces the time and resources required for quality assurance. Instead of spending hours listening to calls, QA teams can focus on addressing the issues and opportunities identified by the software. This not only saves on labor costs but also allows for more strategic allocation of resources, potentially leading to better training programs and improved operational efficiency.

One of the key features that CallFinder offers is sentiment and emotion analysis. The sentiment and emotion insights show a curated, accurate analysis of what is happening on calls. Plus, QA managers can easily identify calls with specific statements that agents should use and the sentiment that relates to those interactions.

Once those Insights are programmed, then I can see, again, the percent of positive impact, or the percent of negative impact related to those Insights. I can sort, and I can view both sides of it. I can see all the positives, all the negatives. I can see my outliers. I can then coach to those calls. Talk time, silence on calls, anything we want – we can put in an Insight! Aside from scorecards, and all the sentiment and emotion, Insights are my favorite part of having an automated platform.”

Angie Kronlage, Working Solutions

Enhancing The Customer Experience

By analyzing 100% of calls, CallFinder can identify trends and patterns in customer interactions that might be missed by manual reviews. The software can flag calls where customers express dissatisfaction, highlight successful problem-solving techniques, and pinpoint areas where agents excel or need improvement. This comprehensive analysis allows businesses to make data-driven decisions to enhance their customer experience strategies.

As the speakers point out in the webinar, CallFinder has a huge impact on the customer experience and retention. First, the solution helps coaching for stronger, more intelligent agents. Secondly, it improves first call resolution and customer satisfaction, and finally, it enhances long-term client relationships.

We’re building a smarter, stronger agent as well as the team… So, I would say it just fits right along with that. We just continue to level up, getting smarter, getting stronger, and building and growing on our intelligent agent side.” 

April Wiita, Working Solutions

Empower Agents With Data-Driven Insights & Proactive Coaching

By providing detailed insights into each agent’s performance, CallFinder enables more targeted and effective training. Managers can identify specific areas where agents excel or need improvement, allowing for personalized coaching and development plans. This data-driven approach to training can lead to higher agent satisfaction and better performance overall.

While an automated QA solution puts managers two steps ahead before coaching opportunities arise, this is helpful for agents as well. Agents feel more empowered when they have the tools to succeed. In fact, during the Q&A session, one participant asked this question: “Have you found that agents are more or less receptive to coaching after using an automated platform versus manual QA and manual reviews?”

April Wiita’s response in the quote below best answers this question:

It puts our agents in the driver’s seat for some of the self-serve success that they can go back and reference, and they see that consistency, and it helps us make really good, informed decisions to help reward them for that strong performance too, cause we didn’t also just hear that one good call, right? We heard a hundred of their good calls. You would be surprised how well received it is.”

April Wiita, Working Solutions

Customization and Ongoing Support Only with CallFinder

CallFinder’s solution is unique for many reasons. For one, it is a flexible, adaptable solution that evolves with the client’s needs. But the number one reason is the dedicated support users get. Each client is assigned a dedicated Speech Analyst for the life of the contract. Users meet regularly with their Analyst to review new features, go over any questions, and to give the Analyst an opportunity to make suggestions for continuous improvements.

Coming in as a newbie, if you will, to the CallFinder platform, I never felt like we were a number. So, as we were working through it and acclimating to it, there was no doing a help desk ticket… We always had that lifeline with your team during the implementation process, where we could quickly give responses back to our partner. We could get feedback from them, bring it back to the table, and even come together with our partner and the CallFinder team.”

April Wiita, Working Solutions

A lot of times we have an Analyst brain, and a lot of times we have a creative brain, and I feel like our Analyst was able to kind of sort through what our ideas were and say, this is a scorecard item, and this is an insight. We can find this in sentiment and emotion and help us to sort through and make it work with automation.We still meet once a week, and we still have the opportunity to change a line item on a scorecard or change how we score things… it’s not a set it and forget it.

Angie Kronlage, Working Solutions

CallFinder & the Future of Call Center Operations

As the industry moves towards more sophisticated analytics, CallFinder positions businesses at the forefront of this trend. The software’s ability to integrate with existing systems, provide data-driven insights, and continuously improve makes it a futureproof solution for call centers. It enables businesses to adapt quickly to changing customer needs and industry regulations.

Perhaps because of this advanced technology, QA managers often steer away from implementing new call center software because of the misperception that it will be a major project and time constraint. The good news is that CallFinder’s implementation takes 4-6 weeks, not months! Plus, CallFinder is a platform-agnostic, cloud-hosted solution, which means there’s minimal IT burden, and it coexists with existing systems. Put simply, CallFinder is not a project!

The nice thing with CallFinder is that it has been designed to coexist in that swarm [of projects]. So, this solution, this tool can be up and running in as quickly as four to six weeks. There is no IT burden. It’s not a project where IT must find a place for it on the roadmap.”

Laura Noonan, CallFinder


The webinar demonstrated how CallFinder offers a comprehensive solution to meet the demands of modern call centers, and to overcome the challenges many contact centers face. By automating the QA process, providing in-depth insights, and enabling data-driven decision-making,

CallFinder empowers businesses to enhance the customer experience, improve operational efficiency, and stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape. The transition from manual to automated call monitoring is not just a trend, but a necessary evolution for call centers aiming to thrive in the digital age.

You can view the full webinar on our Vimeo channel. To learn more about how CallFinder can help your call center, book a demo!

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