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Speech Analytics Reports Help the Whole Organization


Speech analytics software is typically associated with the call center. A step up from basic call recording software, speech analytics mines the call content, searching for specific keywords or phrases and delivers customized reports that outline the calls in which those specific keywords or phrase were used. Reports can be delivered almost immediately after a call ends. This data is beneficial for call center managers because it can be used during call center agent training and for quality assurance purposes. By discovering the current state of call quality and performance via speech analytics, managers are able to make changes to agent training programs to address current needs in order to improve the customer experience.

What’s not always as obvious is the fact that the benefits of utilizing speech analytics reports extend beyond the call center. In fact, these reports can be used across multiple departments in an organization, including but not limited to:

Product Development

In order to remain successful a company must continue to innovate. In the past, companies that were seeking new product inspiration had to turn to marketing research methods such as surveys and focus groups for data. This information often took weeks or longer to receive. What’s great about speech analytics is that it delivers reports quickly. The data extracted from customer or client calls is invaluable. Throughout their conversations with agents they may express certain needs or desires that the current product offerings lack. The product development team can take note of these patterns and use this information to inspire future offerings.

Marketing and Sales

The goal of the Marketing and Sales departments is to “get inside the heads” of customers in order to create campaigns that will resonate with them and close more sales. What’s a better way to get to know your customers than to have access to data from phone calls that are happening with these customers on a daily basis? The marketing team can track the performance of marketing campaigns, promotions, or other key messages and the sales team can search call recordings for key words and phrases to seek out up-sell and cross- sell opportunities as they see fit.


While there are many debates about whether call center scripting is a good idea or not, in some highly regulated industries such as financial or medical, it is essential to ensure that agents are always in compliance and scripting is one way to do so. It’s the responsibility of the legal team to outline what needs to be said during the course of every call. Speech analytics reports are analyzed to make sure agents are compliant to protect the company against potential liability.

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