Providing an unmatched superior customer experience with speech analytics has become the goal of nearly all of today’s businesses. In fact, a recent survey showed customer experience was above both content and mobile marketing when it came to exciting opportunities for companies. And customer experience is positioned to beat out price and product as the main brand differentiator by the year 2020.
There are many ways to provide customers with a great experience, especially when they have more options than ever to connect with a company. Yet the preferred option for most customers remains a phone call. People want to speak directly with someone so they can have their questions answered or problems resolved in a timely manner. For this reason, the contact center is a prominent player in the customer experience game.
However, there are many companies who still do not truly acknowledge their contact center’s importance. As a result, customers will call in and receive an experience that is less than satisfactory. But with some adjustments and the right tools, any company can help ensure its contact center will always deliver the best customer experience possible.
Use Speech Analytics Data to Provide a Smoother Customer Journey
People expect a consistently excellent experience every time they interact with a company. This seems like a daunting challenge, but it is not an impossible one to overcome. A solid way of achieving this goal is by providing a smooth and hassle-free customer journey. But far too many companies contain silos, including different departments or an omni-channel communication method, with little to no communication between them. Because of this inter-company isolation, customers often find themselves not only having to speak with different people to solve one problem, but also having to repeat the same information over and over again, leading to a very tiring and frustrating experience.
But businesses can avert this problem through a number of methods. First, a central system that has information on a particular customer readily available to everyone can eliminate a great deal of wasted time and can help resolve issues in a far more efficient manner. And call mining software such as speech analytics can easily share phone conversations in contact centers among various departments, allowing them to see just where and how a customer’s journey may be derailed, and developing better methods to ensure the journey is a smooth one every time.
Truly Listen to the Voice of the Customer Using Speech Analysis Technology
Of course it’s important to settle any problem at the moment, but what about the long term? How can a contact center give the customers what they want both today and tomorrow? A truly effective way to provide an excellent customer experience is for companies to have an accurate understanding of their customers. And the best way to do this is to discover what customers are really saying when they call a business. Each conversation that occurs contains a wealth of information any company can utilize. However, they need to be able to capture it, a daunting task when one considers the sheer number of conversations that occur in many contact centers. Enter: Speech Analytics.
Speech analytics can quickly scan thousands of phone conversations for specific words and phrases, letting companies more easily detect common trends which expose the true voice of the customer. Revealing what customers really want with more accuracy than outsourced consulting or surveys, speech analytics can easily share both negative and positive feedback from customers. Businesses can then use this information to not only improve business processes, but their marketing strategies, as well. Instead of simply telling customers what they want, speech analytics lets businesses actually give their customers what they want.
The decisions a company makes when it comes to providing a superior experience should not be taken lightly. Adopting the right methods and investing in software like speech analytics is invaluable to a company, and can give it a clear advantage over the competition. The customer experience is a major factor in a company’s success. Don’t ignore it!