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Take Call Recording to the Next Level – Mine Calls – Extract Intel


More and more, simple call recording and monitoring is increasingly inadequate.   In the face of the growing trend to respond to the dynamic and fluid wants and needs of a business’ customer base (past, present and future), the old convention of manually reviewing calls and monitoring a sample to achieve “quality assurance” falls short.

Companies are realizing that the conversations (every conversation) taking place every day between their employees and customers hold much more valuable information than previously understood, and which traditional call recording alone cannot provide.

Technology advancements in the field of speech analytics have grown tremendously over the last decade, providing companies with an enormous opportunity to leverage the content of their business calls to improve operations within many different departments including customer service, sales, marketing, operations, and compliance.

A speech analytics solution scans thousands of phone conversations in a systematic way, so that actionable trends begin to emerge, ultimately transforming unstructured, unleveraged data (raw conversations) into insights that can then be readily examined at numerous levels of the corporate infrastructure.

This new ability to efficiently access the in-depth business intelligence contained within these daily conversations provides companies a new avenue to gain direct insight into the customers’ experiences, their satisfaction levels, purchase patterns, loyalty, etc. Businesses can then in turn use this information to develop future products, services, and strategies with the overall goal of increasing revenues.

Learn more about advanced recording and speech analytics by taking a short demo of our call recording and speech analytics solution today!

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