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Use Employee Codes to Monitor Agent Performance


Improving the customer experience is a trending topic for businesses today, with research* showing that two-thirds of consumers would be willing to spend approximately 13 percent more money with a company following an excellent customer service experience. In comparison, 55 percent of customers would cease buying from a company that provides poor customer service.

Having the ability to monitor your company’s conversations with customers is essential to building a customer experience program to meet the needs of consumers today.

Technology advancements are allowing this process to be simple and painless.   Call recording and speech analytics solutions are available for any industry, any market size, any business that wants to monitor specific employees or specific departments and how they are handling and managing the customer experience.

Now, enter employee codes…

Employee codes are unique three-digit numbers used to tag inbound calls, allowing businesses to categorize, filter and monitor their phone calls by individual employees or departments.   The new tracking feature helps businesses conduct employee performance reviews, train new and existing employees, and categorize their calls by department or product code.

“Our customers, like many businesses, are continually monitoring, evaluating and making improvements to the customer experience they deliver.   Using unique tracking codes to segment calls by specific employee or department allows them to identify the employees that may be in need of additional training in order to address customer objections, for example,” says Laura Noonan, vice president of marketing at CallFinder.   “Employee codes also let our customers confirm which employees are providing exceptional service so they can reward them and use their methods of handling customer calls as examples to follow for others,” says Noonan.

CallFinder’s new Employee Codes feature complements the already robust suite of call tracking and monitoring services the company provides, ranging from addresses and demographic profiles of callers to real-time missed call alerts, and call recording with speech analytics.

Contact us today to learn more about the cost-effective, cloud-based capabilities we offer businesses to record, search and analyze the conversations they’re having with their customers.

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