Call tracking metrics is a general term to describe the combination of technology and assembled information to assist in making fact-based decisions. It is about using the results to organize and analyze performance. Placing the correct information to the correct people at the correct time.
All marketing campaigns need to be tracked and analyze to figure out the best return on investment, ROI. This is why business intelligence and call tracking data is so important and needed. Think about where you are currently marketing. Do you run advertisements on the radio, TV, newspaper, and other offline methods? Now think about what tools are you using to track your results.
What are your results? If you are unsure or unable to fully answer that question, there is a solution. The answer is call tracking, recording and analysis tools. With a solution that includes all three, you can locate your customers, times they call, what advertising method brought them to you, and listen to the conversations taking place between your agents, sales reps, and customers.
Imagine what you can do with that information. Now you have learned where the majority of your customers are located, maybe run a local newspaper ad. Discover responsive peak times, maybe move your TV commercial to that time slot. With this new information you are able to create more business and profits. Then, use the recording and analysis tools to listen to the content of your calls, search on specific keywords – say from a mandated call script – and home in on the employees who may not be sticking to company protocol. Use these discoveries to fine tune training and performance evaluation programs. Overall you will be improving the company’s performance.
CallFinder provides a robust solution that includes real-time call tracking, call recording, and speech analytics audio mining technology into one neat package. No third party call recording partners are needed, no messy data, no chance for error. Contact us today to schedule a demo of the CallFinder dashboard and start discovering the conversations taking place between your employees and your customers.