Want To Know What You're Really Paying For Manual QA?
Are you still manually reviewing calls? Have you looked at the cost per call of your manual QA reviews? How about what you can’t review manually? Our clients tell us that once they saw the results from our complimentary QA Calculator, that was all they needed to finally switch from manual to automated QA. Fill out the form with a few quick estimates, and we’ll email you a custom report that shows you exactly how much you’re paying, and how much you’re missing with manual call reviews.
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Automated Quality Assurance
The CallFinder Advantage
Save Time & Money with Automated Quality Monitoring
CallFinder’s cloud-based speech analytics software automates quality monitoring and augments existing QA processes to eliminate the high cost of manual call monitoring. Monitor and analyze 100% of your customer interactions.
Custom Solutions to Fit Your Business Needs
CallFinder’s MSaaS solutions are designed to meet your QA needs and your budget. Optimize agent performance with automated transcriptions, scorecards, sentiment analysis, silence & overtalk detection, and world-class client support.
Powerful. Affordable. Easy.
Competitive Features
Managed Services
Work with a dedicated Analyst who joins your QA team to set the criteria necessary to gain immediate value and achieve prolonged success.
Affordable Solutions
Our pricing is simple and affordable. Scale your account any time to fit your budget. No per-seat license fees & unlimited user access.
Actionable Insights
Quickly access transcriptions of every member interaction to unlock conversation insights that drive better decisions & business outcomes.
Unbiased Evaluations
Get an objective comparison of your agents & agent teams to provide personalized coaching based on fair, consistent performance reviews.
Sentiment Analysis
CallFinder measures tone, silence vs. overtalk, and the overall sentiment of every call so you can address member experience issues as they arise.
Custom Reports
Easily get the data you need to improve business strategies with customizable reports, limitless exports, and direct CRM data feeds.